Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where Have I Been?

One year ago:
I was starting my new job. Passing my RN exam and leaving my LPN name badge behind me. I was trying to convince Steven to let me get a kitten. I was trying to figure out what paint colors I wanted for the house. I was working 2 jobs and loving every minute of it. We were four wheeling and snow boarding on the weekends. I was getting a manicure every two weeks and totally spoiling both of us.

5 years ago: 
I was turning 20 in a few months and couldn't wait! Steven was thrilled because I would not longer be in my 'teens'. We were living on a prayer and scraping by. We had big plans. School was taking over our lives. We had been married a year and loving every minute of it. We still had Princess and Lucky in our lives. We miss them so much now. Steven made me start reading the Harry Potter books (and loved it). Steven was selling cars and hated it but did it for us. I was working in shoes and alarm systems-weird. We were just moving out of our first apartment and into the in-laws basement to save money and focus on school. Life was crazy and fantastic. We were putting snow boarding and four wheeling on the back burner so we could become more responsible adults and get our life on track.

10 years ago: 
I was 14 going on 23. I was dramatic and independent. I was breaking my dads heart because I was turning into a crazy teenager. I was going to school and had lots of homework. I was swimming and was pretty good at it too. I was a drama geek and had a blast with it. I was sneaking out and toilet papering houses with my girlfriends. Snow boarding was my life with my BF Sara.

Today I am a wife, almost a mother, mom to a crazy cat, loved by a rocking husband, a homeowner, an RN, a four wheeling fanatic, a gardener, a quilter, a crafter, a bill payer, a voter, a homeowner, a menu planner, a college graduate, a cable TV subscriber and much more.

We have come such a long way! I can't even believe it. 

Where have you been? Where are you going?

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